Our Customer is Our Influencer

Our Customer is Our Influencer

The start of 2022 saw the start of our pledge "Our Customer Is Our Influencer"  

As a brand we want all of our customers to feel special and appreciated, so we said goodbye to our affiliate programs.  👋🏽 

Long gone will be the days where customers may feel pressured into buying products based on a affiliate review.
This has been a decision we have not took lightly, we have deliberated it for weeks, as many of you know we have close bonds with our AFF team but after sharing our thoughts with them they all 100% understood our decision and encouraged the change.
2022 is a year where we MUST put our well-being first and this means removing the social pressures of not being recognised and not feeling valued.
You are ALL valued, loved and you are all welcomed.
We also want the recommendation/review of our products to be genuine and not implied that it is only because of any commission made.
As of the 1st January we will launch our “ Our customer is our influencer” campaign and begin our pledge for the pressures of social media to be no longer.
Our 2022 Pledge
  • Removal of personal influencer commission/affiliate codes.
  • Our ‘customer is our influencer’ - and they will be rewarded for their support.
  • We will actively support more local independent businesses.
  • We will showcase a dedicated charity/non profit organisation each season.
  • Future campaigns will ensure inclusivity of all.
As always we are SETTING A NEW STANDARD and we hope you all love the change it as much as we do.
Do you want to get your Navy content featured? Simply TAG #NavyPro DM our page with a link to the content OR EMAIL products@navyprofessional.com